FORTH – from non-Formal and informal learning to a flexible Training system for Healthcare workers

Call for Proposals
EACEA/15/11- Lifelong Learning Programme 2011 – Support for European cooperation in Education and Training (ECET) – (2011/C 93/10)

Lead Partner
Istituto Regionale di Studi e Ricerca Sociale – IRSRS (IT)

Enaip Nazionale (IT), Consud (IT), Kairos S.p.A. (IT)

The project aims at fostering awareness and better understanding of policy makers, institutions competent for the qualification of healthcare professionals, VET providers and other relevant stakeholders on the opportunities and advantages related to a common framework for the recognition and validation of prior learning and for the design of continuing training pathways focusing on the competences most used in workplaces in order to provide health and social care organizations with qualified professionals.

More precisely, the project focuses on two main objectives:

1. To promote the recognition and validation of prior learning (non formal and informal) and prior qualifications for a more flexible VET offer;

2. To strengthen the connection between continuing training and healthcare working sectors focusing on nursing homes and home care.

The specific objectives connected to the general ones can be listed as follows:

1. To provide criteria for the recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning in the access to healthcare workers’ training paths;

2. To elaborate proposals for continuing learning modules based on competences required in nursing homes and home care.

From: February 2012
To: January 2013 (pagina web del progetto FORTH) (sito Lead Partner) (sito programma Lifelong learning) (Vuoi diventare partner associate?)

Collegamento Consulenti
Aleksandra Kicela, Lorenzo Liguoro, Giuseppe Paxia
